An online and face-to-face training program that offers a unique opportunity for students with a passion for STEM to immerse themselves in this universe and discover a wide range of subjects at their own pace. The program also includes themes on Sustainable Development and Human Development

Benefits for students

Accessible STEM learning 

The program offers the opportunity to learn lots of subjects from home through recorded videos and live sessions, making them accessible anytime, anywhere. 


Subject diversity 

Beneficiaries can explore a wide range of STEM subjects and discover their passions and interests in these various fields. 

Autonomy and flexibility

 Beneficiaries have control over their own learning pace and adapt to their personal schedules and obligations, promoting autonomy and flexibility in their education.

Benefits for mentors

Network expansion 

Experts are invited to eSTEM Morocco's private Advisory group circles and have the opportunity to network with other professionals from various STEM disciplines. 

Teaching flexibility 

The program offers experts the opportunity to choose their level of engagement, whether through recorded videos, live sessions or question-and-answer sessions. 

Personal satisfaction 

Contributing to the national cause of educating girls in STEM fields can be a personally rewarding experience, helping to bridge the gender gap in these fields and promoting equity..

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